Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Terrible Two's or something close!

So fall has begun here. Along with the terrible two's. Fisher is getting so big and so daring these days! He climbs on any and everything. Couches, chairs, tables and people. He amazes us everyday.

Alex and I were talking the other day about how he only says hard words like pirate ship and choo choo train and picture. I looked over at Fisher and said "son why don't you say easy words like mom or dad (he rarely says these) and he looked up and said mom, dad, roxy and ran away like it was no big deal! So he definitely has alot more to say. He also is getting soooo tall. We have started to measure him on the inside of the pantry door in our kitchen. He
is 37 inches.

Speaking of the kitchen he was being so quiet the other day when I was picking up HIS TOYS so I went looking for him and found him in the kitchen with the salt shaker in hand shaking every last grain of salt out of it. So we had a huge salt mess on the kitchen floor. And a couple days later same thing happened Alex and I were doing other things and found him in the kitchen again but this time he had the refridgerator door open and had about 1/2 dozen eggs cracked all over the kitchen floor!!! So we are making sure from now on we have no more kitchen catastrophies. I can just see him hiding in the oven or something!!!

So on another note we now have a new swing set. It is a used one but absolutely perfect size for Fisher. He loves it! i've poseted some pics of him acting crazy and also a video of him on his new toy!! Hope you enjoy. Happy Fall!!!!


The Yancey Family said...

He is a big boy! Claire is 35 inches and she is over a year older than him! Speaking of ovens...Do you remember what you did to the oven at your apartment in Moscow!? That's one of my favorite memories of Moscow! Hahahahaha!

First Timers said...

Too cute! Em, I love the picturs and totally think you should have a camera AT ALL TIME to catch his next culinary adventure.

We love you!

Ang said...

Em, you're soooo lucky! Enjoy the new set. Love you guys! -Ang