Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Spring Salmon Derby

Link to Press Artcle

On Saturday and Sunday, my neighbor Paul and I fished in the Red Covey Memorial Spring Salmon Derby on Lake Coeur d'Alene. Paul bought a nice new boat about 2 months ago so it was her maident tournament voyage. 1 hour into fishing on Saturday morning we hooked into a good one. Paul and I agreed I would fight the first fish and that I did.

At first the fish just turned sideways and didn't want to move. I was thinking we had a small one with some weeds on it or it was hooked up in our other lines. It took about 5 minutes to get it within 40 feet of the boat, once it was there it came to the surface and we knew it was a good one. It came to the boat 4 times and screamed away 4 times. After 20 minutes she finally came to the boat for good. Paul did an excellent net job and we both noticed our knees shaking when she was finally in. There is a lot more pressure when a Derby is on the line. It was definitely the biggest Cda Salmon either of us had caught.

We couldn't weigh it in 'til the scales opened in an hour and a half. It weighed 9lbs 13oz. Which showed us our estimations of 10 pounders we caught in the weeks prior had been off by about 3 pounds, oh well.

Here are the pics. The one with Paul in it makes it look bigger. We won $350, a nice rod and reel, and a tackle bag.


First Timers said...

Those are BEAUTIES!!!! I hope you guys ate like kings!

The Edwards Family said...

You guys are so lucky. I wish I was fishing. Lose the Angels hat though. The Mariners are killing me this year....
Hope to see you soon.