So to start off the month we decided not to take our usual vacation to California. Instead we spent 5 relaxing days at my Aunt and Uncle's house up the St. Joe River. I got to spend some time with my new fly rod and had a great time catching westslope cutthroat trout with my Uncle. Emily, Fisher, and I took some rides on the four wheeler with Roxy running ahead. We also went on a family drive up Marble Creek, caught some fish, and shot ground squirrels. Once we got home we were able to finish up some projects in the backyard and around the house.

Did you see George Lopez on the View yesterday? Oh my gosh...he was so funny. I'm so jealous. I would love to see him live. I think it would be REALLY fun to go with our family of Mexicans. :)
Looks like you guys had a great vacation. I almost believed em's excitment...he he he!
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