Our son, Fisher has recently been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Yes, this means he has Autism. There are many different ways and degrees to which Autism affects children. It seems at this point that every child affected is differently and to different degrees. We have known in our hearts for a while that Fisher has it, but we haven’t been ready to share it with the world, or even fully admit it to ourselves.
We have been very fortunate to have been put in contact with wonderful people through the Idaho Infant Toddler program and now with the Idaho Dept of Health and Welfare. So far the people we have dealt with have been extremely helpful and sensitive to our needs. There are many resources out there on the internet that give useful information and I will put some links up at the bottom of this post. We have struggled over letting others know what is going on with Fisher, sometimes I think it is out of fear about how people will interact with us or him, or if people will treat us differently. But now it is a relief to let others know what we are going through. We don’t want people to be fearful of sharing the joys they experience with their children, or the new thing that their child did.
Fisher does exciting and new things every day, they may not be the same things as another child the same age does, but we still like to share experiences with other parents. We don’t want special treatment for Fisher, or for people to feel uncomfortable around him. We just ask for a little understanding when he doesn’t respond to situations as other children would. Our love for him and our experiences as parents are not lessened by his challenges, so we do not seek sympathy…just a little understanding. If you are wondering how he is doing…just ask. If you are wondering how we are doing…just ask.
We have been told by many of the professionals that we have met with that if things go well with developmental therapies and lots of hard work that Fisher may be able to function alongside other children his same age in school with little or no notice from others. That is a long ways away, with a lot of work between now and then. We are optimistic about the future. We are not defined by the challenges in our lives; we are defined by how we meet them.
Here are some facts about autism:
· 1 in every 150 children is diagnosed with autism
· Autism is 4 times more likely in boys
· Autism is the fastest growing developmental disability
· There is no cure or medical detection for autism
· Autism is a spectrum disorder. There are 5 developmental disorders that make up the Autism Spectrum -Autism, Asperger's & Rett's Syndromes Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and PDD/NOS
· Autism is more common than pediatric cancer, diabetes, Down’s syndrome and AIDS combined
· Autism is the only developmental disorder in which IQ scores can be improved through intervention
· The national cost for autism is $9 billion. With the rising numbers of diagnosis, the cost in 10 years will be $200 -$400 billion
· Cost of lifelong care can be reduced by 2/3 with early diagnosis and intervention Parents are the first people to notice autistic behaviors in their children. If a parent thinks there maybe something wrong, they should seek out testing.
· Signs of autism: Lack of or delay in spoken language, repetitive use of language and/or motor mannerisms (e.g., hand-flapping, twirling objects)
· Signs of autism: Little or no eye contact, lack of interest in peer relationships
· Signs of autism: Lack of spontaneous or make-believe play, persistent fixation on parts of objects.
· The testing for autism is ONLY deficiency based, and does not account for a child’s inability to communicate verbally to measure IQ
· There is no known cause or trigger for autism
· Characteristics of autism: Insistence on sameness; resistance to change, Difficulty in expressing needs, and using gestures or pointing instead of words.
· Characteristics of autism: Repeating words or phrases in place of normal, responsive language, Laughing (and/or crying) for no apparent reason; showing distress for reasons not apparent to others.
· Characteristics of autism: Preference to being alone; aloof manner, Tantrums, Difficulty in mixing with others, Not wanting to cuddle or be cuddled, Little or no eye contact.
· Characteristics of autism: Unresponsive to normal teaching methods, Sustained odd play, Spinning objects, Obsessive attachment to objects, Apparent over-sensitivity or under-sensitivity to pain, No real fears of danger.
· Characteristics of autism: Noticeable physical over-activity or extreme underactivity, Uneven gross/fine motor skills, Non-responsive to verbal cues; acts as if deaf, although hearing tests in normal range
· Autism receives less than 5% of the research funding of most of the more prevalent childhood disorders
· Autism is diagnosed in all standings of socioeconomics, race and location; meaning no one is immune
· Autism is a condition whose treatments are specifically excluded by some insurance companies Inclusive classrooms work best for children with autism. Inclusion works when teachers believe all children can learn
· Because some people with autism cannot use words, they use behavior to communicate
· Embrace differences, embrace autism
· People with autism do not lie, do not judge, do not play mind games; Maybe we can all learn something from them
· Discipline does NOT cure autism
· When a child has autism, questions are appreciated, parenting advice is not
· Just because a person with autism cannot speak, does not mean they have nothing to say
· Normal -It’s just a dial on the washing machine!
I want to scream to the heavens above how lucky Fisher is to have such wonderful and beautiful parents! You guys are, and will do an awesome job raising my nephew who I love with all my heart. Thank you for sharing and educating us! God never gives us more than we can handle!
My love is endless!
I love you Fish, just call Auntie Nina, I will always have gum!!!
Auntie Cindy
this is for my daughter and son inlaw and to my grandson ,i carry all three of you in my heart each and every day and in every hour minute and second that god allows me here on earth,and with that thought i thank god for giving me fisher ,and in my eyes i see nothing wrong with my grandson thats because god gave me fisher and with that thought,i will always be there for you fisher emily and alex love papa
Fisher is so lucky to have you both to help him start on this journey. Every person has a story, a path, and it is the people who surround us that make life wonderful.
As you seek to understand and help him along remember that you are surrounded by people who love and will support you.
~Heather & Mike
Em & Alex, thanks for sharing this with us. It sounds like you've armed yourself with the tools and knowledge to get Fisher to where he needs to be. I'm glad you both came out and talked about it. It helps everyone else feel comfortable talking to you about it.
We love Fisher very much!!! I asked Ellie the other day who we were going to see at the park. She said, "Cousin Fisher." She still remembers spending a little time with him at Disneyland.
I wish we saw you all more, but the blog helps us feel connected. Thanks again for sharing.
I'll pray that God would give you strength for those tough times and hope for a great future for Fisher.
Love you, Ang
Em and Alex,
Thank you for sharing this with all of us. I know when it comes to our kids we are always protective...thank you for opening up and allowing us to show our support and love. The two of you are wonderful parents and Fisher will continue to grow and will continue to be an amazing kid!
Give him a big kiss from us. We can't wait to see you guys in the fall!
First, my heart goes out to you guys right now. You guys have done a wonderful job of explaining the situation and your feeling about it. Thanks for letting all of us in on that. I am impressed with your optimism and the initiative you guys have taken at preparing for the future. You guys are so great, and Fisher is so lucky to have you! Give him a squeeze for me! Em, call me if you ever want to talk! I love you guys!
hey you guys-
My thoughts and prayers are with you both! I'm am so thankful that you have choosen to share this information with all of us. Not only for yourselves but to help educate the rest of the world. You guys have shared MANY parts of my families life and I am blessed to be able to share this with Fisher. You both are AMAZING parents and have already taken the biggest step by not only educating yourselves but by sharing this with people that will love and support you no matter what. Fisher is an amazing little boy and will continue to grow and thrive because of your dedication and love!! I love you all...
XOXO- Jen and the gang :)
Emily and Alex, Thank you for sharing this w ith us. We know its very personal for you, and it helps all of us understand and be able to talk about it with you.
Every Child is important to God above and he knew Fisher since he was in your womb. God knew exactly
what special parents he would give to Fisher and how dedicated, loving and supportive they would be. God knew what a dynamic family you are and the friends and family that you have to help. Fisher is a very lucky young man. God also knew the beautiful and amazing young man he blessed you with. Fisher is and will be an amazing and loving boy to his parents. I pray that God gives you strenght when you need it and
please know that we are always here for you as well. You are both amazing. I am impressed at how well educated you are and are becoming and how you are on top of things already. YOU are an outstanding Mama. Its true, God has his eyes on this special family. Love that little Boy :-)
Love Uncle Larry and Aunt Tammy
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